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Agama agama - Rainbow Lizard
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Anolis carolinensis - Green anolis
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Anteresia perthensis - Pygmy Python
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Boa dumerili - Dumeril’s boa
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Boaedon fuliginosus - African house snake
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Carettochelys insculpta - Pig-nosed Turtle or Fly River turtle
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Chamaeleo calyptratus - Veiled Chameleon
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Chelonoidis carbonaria - Red Footed Turtle
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Chlamydosaurus kingii - Frilled lizard
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Claudius angustatus - Narrow Bridged Musk Turtle
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Corallus hortulanus - Amazon Tree Boa
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Cordylus tropidosternum - Armadillo Lizard
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Correlophus (Rhacodactylus) ciliatus - Crested Gecko
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Dracaena guianensis - Caiman Lizard
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Drymarchon couperi - Eastern Indigo Snake
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Elaphe carinata - King rat snake
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..