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Gymnogeophagus balzanii
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Gymnogeophagus labiatus
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Gymnogeophagus meridionalis
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Gymnogeophagus rhabdotus
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Gymnogeophagus terrapurpura
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Gymnothorax polyuranodon - Freshwater moray
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Gymnothorax tile - 'Freshwater' Moray Eel
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Hemiancistrus Guahiborum - L106 Spotted Orange Seam Pleco
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Hemiancistrus sp. - L128 Blue Phantom Pleco
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Hemiancistrus subviridis - L200 Green Phantom Pleco
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Hemigrammus rhodostomus - Rummy-nose tetra
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Hepsetus odoe - African Pike Characin
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Herichthys carpintis - Pearlscale Cichlid "Rio Hondo"
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Herichthys tepehua - Turquoise Herichthys
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..
Heros efasciatus - Heros sp. "Rotkeil"
According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..