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Ambystoma tigrinum - Tiger Salamander

Ambystoma tigrinum - Tiger Salamander

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Bombina orientalis - Oriental fire-bellied toad

Bombina orientalis - Oriental fire-bellied toad

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Albino

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Albino

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Matcha

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Matcha

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Mutant transparent

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Mutant transparent

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Pikachu

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Pikachu

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Samurai blue

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Samurai blue

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Strawberry

Ceratophrys cranwelli - Pacman frog - Strawberry

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Dendrobates auratus - Green and Black Poison Dart Frog

Dendrobates auratus - Green and Black Poison Dart Frog

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Dendrobates leucomelas - Yellow-banded poison dart frog

Dendrobates leucomelas - Yellow-banded poison dart frog

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Dendrobates tinctorius azureus - Blue Azureus Dart Frog

Dendrobates tinctorius azureus - Blue Azureus Dart Frog

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Hymenochirus boettgeri - Dwarf clawed frog

Hymenochirus boettgeri - Dwarf clawed frog

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Hymenochirus boettgeri - Dwarf clawed frog - ALBINO

Hymenochirus boettgeri - Dwarf clawed frog - ALBINO

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Lepidobatrachus laevis - Budgett's frog

Lepidobatrachus laevis - Budgett's frog

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Litoria caerulea - White’s or Green tree frogs

Litoria caerulea - White’s or Green tree frogs

According to Law n.º 95/2017 of August 23, the sale and/or advertising of wild/exotic animals throug..

Showing 1 to 16 of 23 (2 Pages)