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The Dumeril’s boa is a medium-sized snake native to highly vegetated, dry forests in Madagascar. It has a thick-set body with a light to dark brown coloration, and can grow up to eight feet long.
Dumeril’s boas are easy to care for because they’re non-venomous and require minimal care. Many beginner reptile hobbyists confuse Dumeril’s boas with Madagascar ground boas because both snakes are ground-dwelling and endemic to Madagascar.
Adult Dumeril’s boas grow up to eight feet long in captivity, although it’s common for wild snakes to reach 10 feet long.
Life Span
These snakes have a long life under the right captive conditions, and you can expect healthy snakes to live for up to 20 years or more.
Dumeril’s boas have simple housing requirements. These snakes thrive in dry, highly vegetated regions of Madagascar. The Dumeril’s boa’s natural habitat includes trees and low-lying vegetation, and this boa often lives in and around villages and a few man-made buildings. You should replicate the Dumeril’s Boas natural habitat to keep your snake happy and healthy.
Invest in a large terrarium that is at least five feet long. Dumeril’s boas are terrestrial reptiles that require plenty of ground space to roam in, which makes the substrate more important than the terrarium’s vertical space.
Place a hide box in the terrarium to give your Dumeril’s boa a place to hide and rest. Scatter sticks of various sizes around the enclosure so that your snake can explore its enclosure and climb to higher than ground level.
Collect leaves that haven’t been chemically treated during fall and scatter them around the Dumeril’s boa’s enclosure. Snakes like exploring new scents and textures, and leaves are great seasonal toys for your snake.
Keep your adult Dumeril’s boa in an enclosure that is five feet long, two feet wide, and one foot tall. Juvenile snakes can live in small two feet by two feet enclosures, but Dumeril’s boas are fast growers and will likely outgrow such an enclosure.
Heating & Lighting
You should use daytime heat lamps or fluorescent bulbs in your Dumeril’s boa’s terrarium. Dumeril’s boas don’t have specific lighting requirements, but you should provide them with a 12 hour day to night natural lighting cycle. You can install a timer to manage your snake’s light cycle and prevent disturbing their routine.
The Dumeril’s boa needs a basking spot and shaded area in the enclosure. You should keep the temperature in the shaded area constant and at 80°F. The basking spot should be located at the opposite end of the terrarium from the cool spot, and must stay between 85 and 87°F.
Use heating pads to keep the temperature in the basking spot constant, and measure the temperatures in the cool spot and basking spot daily.
Like most reptiles, Dumeril’s boas shed their skin. The humidity and moisture levels in the terrarium can help or hinder the shedding process, so monitoring these parameters daily is vital for the snake’s health.
Keep the humidity in the terrarium between 40 and 60 percent. Never let the humidity levels go higher than 60 percent. our snake could develop serious respiratory conditions from an overly humid environment.
Dumeril’s boas eat mice, rats, chicks, small rabbits, gerbils, and hamsters. These snakes thrive on a varied diet. Feeding Dumeril’s boas according to their size and age is essential.
Juvenile Dumeril’s boas are still growing, which means they should eat every 14–20 days, whereas adults are no longer growing and should be fed every 21–28 days. You should feed hatchlings and snakes smaller than three feet long every seven days.
As a rule, Dumeril’s boas should eat food that is as wide as the widest part of the snake’s body. Prey that is smaller than this will leave the snake hungry, whereas large prey could be regurgitated and can leave your snake uncomfortable and agitated.
Dumeril’s boas are calm and peaceful snakes. These docile reptiles have peaceful dispositions, but some can become aggressive and agitated if you don’t respect their personal space.
Dumeril’s boas are easy to breed during the cool season. However, some snakes will breed during the warm season, and because of this, your snakes need to go through a brumation period. Look out for a small lump on the female’s underbelly. This lump indicates that the female is ovulating and that the breeding process is going well.
You shouldn’t feed Dumeril’s boas during breeding, and only feed females small prey during gestation to prevent digestion issues and discomfort.
Boa dumerili - Dumeril’s boa
- Brands Fixexotic
- Model: Boa dumerili - Dumeril’s boa
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: Boa.dumerili.Dumeril’s