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Indo-Pacific, East Africa
The African hermit crab Clibanarius africanus belongs to the hermit crabs living in brackish water to seawater. They do not need a land part, but live exclusively in the water.
Maximum Standard Length
Aquarium Size
We recommend an aquarium from 50 cm edge length, which is well furnished with sand and stones. Also mangrove roots or other wood is possible of course. The African hermit crab likes to climb very much, skillfully and persevering.
The charming hermit crab Clibanarius africanus has become a very popular aquarium inhabitant. It is an euryhalin species, which means that it can survive in both pure fresh and pure marine water. However, it seems that it can live in pure freshwater only for a few months, so it is much better to keep it in brackish water.
Usually C. africanus are imported with the brown snail shells of the snail species Tympanotonus fuscatus, but occasionally they bear the white houses of the snail Pachymelania aurita.
The water should be salinated with 8 to 30 g of salt per liter
Water Conditions
Temperature: 20-28C
Hardness: 10-18 dH
Clibanarius are detritus feeders. Detritus is composed from several dead stuff of plants and animals. In the aquarium, Clibanarius feed readily on any typical fish food.
Behaviour and Compatibility
The relatively peaceful African hermit crab feels comfortable in a group of three to five animals.
Can be kept with snails, shrimp, crabs and fish in brackish water
Sexual Dimorphism
Hermit crabs have been bred in the hobby, but breeding is complicated. Females of the African hermit crab also release larvae that must be reared separately in a brackish water tank.
Clibanarius africanus - African water hermit
- Brands Fixexotic
- Model: Clibanarius africanus - African water hermit
- Availability: In Stock