• Cardisoma armatum - African Rainbow Crab

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Cardisoma armatum are more commonly known as Rainbow Crabs, Patriot Crabs, Tricolor Crabs, Moon Crabs or Soapdish Crabs. Rainbow Crabs are a popular group of semi-terrestrial crabs. They are hardy and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists.


C. armatum originates from coastal regions of western Africa, but it also occurs inland along some deltas (e.g. the Volta River delta), and on islands such as Cape Verde.


Rainbow Crabs are land crabs that originate from the West Coast of Africa. They can be found along the coastal regions in the river deltas and other brackish areas, building homes near sources of fresh or seawater.

Their homes are burrows of sand that grow deeper and more complex as they age. Though in nature they can build deep colonies of tunnels, in captivity male Rainbow Crabs grow territorial in the presence of other male crabs.

Maximum Standard Length


Aquarium Size

People who wish to keep and raise Rainbow Crabs should plan on keeping them in a water-tight aquarium of at least 20 gallons (90 liters) per crab. As adults, one male and one female may be kept together in the same aquarium of 40 gallons (180 liters) or more, but two adult males would need far more space to prevent territorial fighting.


Cardisoma armatum is not a fully freshwater species. Adult Rainbow crabs are semi-terrestrial (land) crabs. They need water only to moist surface to refresh their gills.

A lot of people completely forget about the humidity. However, adequate humidity in the tank is vitally important to Rainbow crabs. These crabs “breathe” via gills, the proper exchange of oxygen by the crabs depends on the humidity in the air.

Therefore, if the tank air is too dry, the crabs will essentially suffocate. They need a relative humidity of around 80 percent.

Water Conditions

Temperature: 22-28C




Rainbow Crabs are extremely opportunistic eaters and sometimes cannibalistic. They are omnivores who are also scavengers. They will appreciate a varied diet of fruits, berries, flowers, leaves, vegetables, pellets for fish, shrimp, turtles, or crabs, frozen krill, shrimp, bloodworms, and insects.

Behaviour and Compatibility

As Rainbow Crabs can be predatory, ideally they would be placed in a tank alone or with one other Rainbow Crab of another sex. While they can coexist with fish, there is always a risk of predatory behavior.

Invertebrates like shrimp and snails are best avoided as they might get attacked.

Sexual Dimorphism

Males have bright blue backs, red legs, and white claws. Their underbelly apron will be shaped like an upside-down T. Females typically have pale blue to grey backs, pale orange legs, and white claws. Their underbelly apron will be shaped somewhat like a bell.

The males are more colorful compared to females.

In addition, the effect of gender reveals a significant difference in the width of the shell and the diameter of the left clamp, showing the superiority of the male to the female.


Though Rainbow Crabs can be kept in male and female pairs in the same tank it would range from extremely difficult to nearly impossible to breed them in captivity.

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Cardisoma armatum - African Rainbow Crab

  • Brands Fixexotic
  • Model: Cardisoma armatum - African Rainbow Crab
  • Availability: In Stock

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