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This species is native to Borneo, the Philippines, and Indonesia. It can be found in tropical rainforests and wetland forests, usually under stones or fallen trees.
These scorpions are dark black, with blue reflections. The body is strongly granulated. This species is classified as harmful, as the sting causes moderate to severe pain, but without further consequences.
Javanimetrus cyaneus can reach a length of 12–15 cm (4.7–5.9 in)
Life Span
10-15 years
Asian forest scorpions should always be allowed at least 2'' of substrate to give them the opportunity to burrow or dig. We find the best substrate for these scorpions is a soil mix called spider life.
The scorpions vivarium can be decorated with artificial plants for a more natural look.Small natural wood ornaments look very effective and also provide further perches for the scorpion. Trailing plants are very good at disguising electrical wires and equipment, as well as providing cover for young scorpions.
Heating & Lighting
Asian forest scorpions require a near constant air temperature of 70-75oF. This is best achieved by sticking a heatmat on one side of the glass enclosure. This heatmat is regulated using a thermostat to make sure the temperature stays constant.
As the glass is only being heated on one side this also creates a small temperature gradient within the enclosure allowing the scorpion to warm itself up or move away to cool down.
Should always be available but be careful, they don't swim.
Asian forest scorpions are carnivorous and have a diet consisting of live insects. The core of the livefood diet should be high in protien and relatively easy to digest. We have found that brown crickets are the most readily accepted, but you can also use black crickets or locusts, cockroaches, and so on.
Javanimetrus cyaneus - Asian blue forest scorpion
- Brands Fixexotic
- Model: Javanimetrus cyaneus - Asian blue forest scorpion
- Availability: In Stock